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(1. sal via trappe)
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Loyalty discount - stay longer, save more
Dit Pulterkammer wants to reward customers who want to use their storage unit for a long period of time. For this reason we offer our loyalty discount if you can tell us for how long - as a minimum - you want to rent your storage unit. When this period has expired, the loyalty discount will last until you give notice of terminating the agreement. You can decide the percentage of your discount by deciding if you want to rent your unit for minimum 3, 6 or 9 months.
Your loyalty discount will last until you terminate the rental of your storage unit. The duration of the agreement is the same as the rental period requested by you, and will only be changed in connection with yearly rent adjustment. No surprises, and nothing in small print.
Get a discount when paying in advance
Date of moving in
Select date of moving in
The date of moving in can be today or any date 30 days ahead, at your choice. We make sure that your unit is ready for you on the date requested.
Contact information
Pay and move in
Hvad ændrer sig
- Moderniserede faciliteter: Alle vores afdelinger og opbevaringsrum bliver opgraderet med et nyt, digitalt adgangssystem og det gamle bliver fjernet. Fra november begynder vi at udskifte opbevaringslåse. Vi giver dig besked mindst 8 uger i forvejen.
- Forsikringsmuligheder: Vi prioriterer din sikkerhed og tryghed højt. Du får mulighed for at vælge det forsikringsniveau, der passer bedst til dine behov.
- Opdaterede vilkår og betingelser: Du finder de opdaterede handelsbetingelser her
- Betalingsvilkår: Der bliver introduceret nye betalingsvilkår.
- Flytning af kundeforhold til ny aftalepart: Som led i overgangen til Green Storage accepterer du, at dit kundeforhold flyttes fra Dit Pulterkammer A/S, CVR-nr. 25598032, til Green Storage A/S, CVR-nr. 20665904. De opdaterede vilkår og betingelser, som du finder ovenfor, vil være gældende i kundeforholdet.